Cosplay: Kamishiro Rize (Tokyo Ghoul)

Oof, it's been a while since I posted anything here, hasn't it? Sorry, sorry, it's been a bit hectic. Anyway, I went to an anime convention with a good friend, so I had to cosplay, of course! But since it's the middle of summer, and like, 26C or more each day, there was no way I was going to do anything that required heavy/hot materials. (I have a Kaneki Ken ghoul mask stashed away, but that's going to have to wait for colder weather.) So I went as Rize from Tokyo Ghoul , honestly one of my all-time fave manga/anime! I did eyes and lips for this look. Again, the weather made me really averse to doing a full face. I did the ghoul eyes with makeup, because I don't feel like shelling out a bunch of money for the sclera contacts. But I like it better this way, anyway, because this way I can easily do the transformation moments, which are always creepy-cool! So here's me as Kamishiro Rize from Tokyo Ghoul! The outfit is based on that one piece of official ...